The Institute for Global Health Sciences Affiliate Program (AP) started in 2016 to build community and identify resources to support the growing number of people across UCSF working on issues of global health equity.
The Affiliate Program helps build collaborations and increases the collective impact of the University’s global health equity work.
All UCSF global health community members with a demonstrated commitment to global health issues are eligible.
In 2020, we added a Global Affiliate Program to the Affiliate Program to include and support non-UCSF collaborators.
To date, more than 350 Affiliates have joined these two programs. They come from all UCSF Schools and numerous global sites engaged in many aspects of global health equity work, including research, education, policy and clinical work.
Affiliate benefits
- Early Career Global Health Scientist Award
- Affiliate Seed Award Program
- Affiliate Program Travel & Collaboration Awards
- Global Affiliate Program
- Letter of support, upon request, from the IGHS Executive Director documenting affiliate member’s global health activities
- Networking opportunities with IGHS leaders, faculty, and staff
- Reference IGHS affiliation in publications, proposals and working titles
- Inclusion on the IGHS website and other communication vehicles
- Personalization of the UCSF Profiles system to highlight your global health activities and interests
- Inclusion on a listserve for relevant information highlighting global health activities and events
- Access to IGHS students (Masters and PhD) for research support and mentorship
- Eligibility for compensation for teaching roles and for the supervision of trainees
IGHS affiliates are expected to contribute to UCSF’s goal of advancing health worldwide. Affiliated members are asked to contribute each year to UCSF’s global health research, educational and implementation work in at least one of several possible ways:
- Governance: Service on IGHS or related UCSF management committees involved in global health (e.g., IRAC, GH-FIG, etc.)
- Education: Teach or guest lecture in IGHS or affiliated education programs; serve as capstone, research or career mentors for IGHS students
- Community-building: Participate in IGHS events with the goal of expanding UCSF’s presence and contributions in global health equity
- IGHS Research / Implementation: Collaborate with IGHS researchers engaged in sponsored global health programs
- Publication: Demonstrate mastery and commitment to the field in peer-reviewed publications
All affiliates are required to maintain a current UCSF Profile online, including their global health equity section.

Executive Committee
- Suzanne Barakat
- Kim Baltzell
- Gabriel Chamie
- Joe Derisi
- Arian Hatefi
- Teresa Kortz
- Phuoc Le
- Michael Lipnick