Your gift to UCSF Institute for Global Health Sciences helps us:
- Educate the next generation of leaders in global health through our master’s and PhD programs
- Foster groundbreaking research in global health specialties from maternal and newborn child health to strengthening healthcare systems
- Partner with agencies and organizations around the world to build sustainable solutions to the most pressing global health problems
When you give to the Institute for Global Health Sciences, you give to students and researchers who will enhance the lives of countless people around the globe.
Using the donate button, you can designate a gift to IGHS or specifically to our Education program.
Donating to Our Education Program
When you donate directly to our Education program, you help ensure that the brightest and most dedicated students have access to a world-class education at the UCSF Institute for Global Health Sciences (IGHS). Your donation directly supports IGHS students in the Master of Science and PhD programs. Both programs aim to train and support a high number of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and international graduate students in order to meet the workforce needs in global health.
The Impact of Your Donation
- $5,000 supports one MS student to conduct capstone research
- $15,000 supports one PhD student to conduct independent doctoral research
- $50,000 provides a full scholarship for one MS student for the one-year program
- $65,000 provides a full scholarship for one PhD student for one year
- $250,000 provides a named scholarship for one international PhD student for the entire four-year program
Other Ways to Give
For more information about how you can support IGHS, please contact:
Jessica Philbrook
Associate Director of Development
(704) 287-2613
Visit the UCSF online giving site.
- Make checks payable to: UCSF Foundation
- Attach a note as to how you would like to designate your gift for IGHS
- Mail gifts
By U.S. Mail, send to:
UCSF Foundation
P.O. Box 45339
San Francisco, CA 94145-0339
By Courier (FedEx, UPS, etc.), send to:
Lockbox/Item Processing Operations
US Bank, NA
501 Canal Boulevard, Suite E
Richmond, CA 94804
Attn: UCSF Foundation Lockbox 45339
Please call (415) 476-3952 to make your gift by phone.
Stocks and Mutual Funds
To make a donation of stocks, mutual funds, or other securities, please contact custsvc@ucsf.edu or (415) 476-3952 for instructions and assistance with the details of your gift.
To be eligible for a charitable deduction in the current tax year, securities must be received in our brokerage account by December 31.
Automated Clearing House (ACH) and Wire Transfers
To send an ACH or wire transfer, please contact custsvc@ucsf.edu or phone (415) 476-3952 for instructions and assistance with the details of your gift.
Payroll Deduction (for UCSF employees)
Learn more about the Employee Giving Program.