2016-17 Big Ideas Contest launches for University of California students

Big Ideas is an annual innovation contest that provides funding, support, and encouragement to interdisciplinary teams of undergraduate and graduate students who have creative solutions to address important social challenges.

Each year, the contest awards up to $300,000 in prizes. Since its founding in 2006, the competition has inspired more than 1,300 student-led projects aimed at solving the world’s most pressing problems.

Learn more at an online information session on October 12 – 3:00 pm.

Wondering if your idea is a good fit for the contest? Chat with a Big Ideas advisor!

Students receive:

  • A chance to win up to $18,000 for a creative idea
  • Extensive feedback from judges
  • Access to proposal writing, budgeting, and skills development workshops
  • Networking opportunities
  • Exposure to topic area experts
  • Six-week mentorship period for finalist teams

Three-page pre-proposal submissions are due November 16 at 12 pm PT.

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