New GHS Website Shows Impact of UCSF’s Global Health Work

Global Health Sciences (GHS) has launched a new website that broadcasts the diversity of global health work at UCSF. With a fresh design and new features, the website not only focuses on the work of GHS but also promotes the broad array of UCSF’s global health activities and highlights the people and partners doing this work around the world.

“So much important global health work is happening at UCSF, and we want to make sure people know about it. We designed our new website to better tell our story, recognize our vital partnerships at UCSF and around the world, and show the significant impact of our work,” said Jaime Sepulveda, Executive Director of UCSF Global Health Sciences.

The new website is organized around work on certain diseases and conditions, such as eliminating malaria and improving maternal and newborn health, and work connected to systems and policy, such as economic analyses and technical assistance to ministries of health. Now it is easier to find information about the multitude of projects, international collaborations, and ways to get involved.

The website also features an expanded blog with writing by GHS students and UCSF faculty and staff, and global health news stories from GHS, UCSF and beyond. Additional videos, photos and maps help create a more complete picture of GHS’s work, and a new slideshow recounts the history of global health at UCSF dating from the early 20th century.

Other new features of the website include a catalogue of resources to help researchers and partners and a database of publications that is searchable by topic. GHS will develop additional interactive elements in the future and will shine a spotlight on the activities and accomplishments of the team members and partners who make all of this important work possible.